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WM_MOTIF White Paper

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I. Executive Summary

With over 25 million PC’s running MS-Windows, a large percentage of the software development community is committed to creating applications for the Windows API. In terms of unit volumes, no other single market offers such a large potential for software sales. With a relatively small effort, many Windows developers could leverage their investment into the profitable and rapidly growing UNIX market. UNIX is popular for enterprise computing due to its proven reliability for database servers and other mission critical applications. Its networking and client/server capabilities coupled with an open systems approach also make it ideal for supporting heterogeneous systems from different vendors. Furthermore, with over one million new UNIX hosts and workstations being installed every year, it is by no means a small market.

WM_MOTIF allows porting of MS-Windows applications to UNIX Motif and character based environments. Using WM_MOTIF, software vendors can offer their customers an enterprise-wide, scaleable solution going from their smallest PC’s to their largest UNIX servers. WM_MOTIF has a natural appeal to MS-Windows developers. Based on the API used on today’s most popular platform, there is no need to learn a new set of functions to build applications. Many existing libraries and add-ons developed for MS-Windows can be used under UNIX with WM_MOTIF.

The UNIX market offers exciting rewards to developers that have the vision of identifying market opportunities and make the commitment to offer their customers the choice of operating platform according to their requirements. The mission of the WM_MOTIF development group has been to make this market accessible to many developers. Before WM_MOTIF, this portability was reserved only for large corporations that could afford the large costs of existing alternatives. Our strategy is simple: our success is tied to your success. We want you to be successful in selling applications for the UNIX market and we will go out of our way in supporting your efforts in penetrating this market.

This document summarizes the main advantages of using WM_MOTIF for porting existing Windows applications to UNIX and also covers the motivation for using the product to develop new ones that will need cross-platform portability.

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