FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - August 31, 1995 Contact: Don Hsi, President (408) 378-9898 x103 (408) 378-9935 Fax 1590 La Pradera Dr. Campbell, CA 95008
Halcyon Software Releases VBIX, a Microsoft(c) Visual Basic(tm) compatible runtime engine for UNIX.
CAMPBELL, California--Halcyon Software announced today, the release of VBIX, a Microsoft(c) Visual Basic(tm) 3.0 compatible runtime engine for UNIX environments, including Sun OS, Sun Solaris, Unixware, AIX, HP-UX,SCO and Linux.
VBIX allows Visual Basic applications developed in the Windows 3.1 environment to be executed directly on UNIX platforms running Motif, as native applications with a completely compliant Motif look and feel. Also supported are character-mode terminals. Don Hsi, Halcyon’'s president and founder, explains: With the release of VBIX, UNIX users now have access to the ease of use, functionality and cost-effectiveness of Microsoft’ Visual Basic as a prototyping and development environment.
A majority of Visual Basic Functions, Statements, Objects and standard Controls are supported, including database access via Data Controls and ODBC. A complete UNIX-based IDE is planned for 2nd Quarter 1996 as is support for Visual Basic version 4 and plug-in OCX controls. Prices have not yet been set.
Halcyon Software has been in business since 1990 providing engineering solutions to customers worldwide. It has successfully marketed and sold more than a half dozen commercial applications.
Visual Basic is registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Request VBIX information via e-mail
VBIX uses the WM_MOTIF windowing system under Motif. For additional information on WM_MOTIF, please contact Software UNO.
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